Friday, November 23, 2012

The Skinny Jean: Work out

Ever wonder when you'll ever fit into those skinny pair of jeans in your closet.Well have no fear i've got  the best fitness exercise you all can try out. I know it may be hard to lose the fat from your body  which may make you feel like throwing away your beautiful jeans. Now i am not pushing you all to be skinny sticks but to boost your confidence and to lose that fat off the body. Slim it down.Lisa  G. a celebrity trainer that created this training regimen of Pilates,resistance training and cardio. Wanna give it a try?  All you need is a great room that has lots of space ,water bottle,a towel and a workout mat.

  1. Plyometric Squat– To start with a aerobic twist as to a regular squat, stand with your feet at shoulder width apart. Squat downwards by bending your knees to 90 degrees. Have your   back straight, head and neck upwards with your spine, then jump up and land softly back into the squat position. Use the strength of your legs and butt to jump up.As you land back into the squat be  sure your weight is on  your feet and then onto your heel of your feet.

  1. Jump lunges- Stand with one foot forward and the other back. Your front leg thigh and back leg shin should be parallel to the floor.Lower your body to the floor without losing your form. Your front knee should never pass your toes. When ready, jump.You should land back into that lunge. This will keep your back super straight and abdominals muscles tight. Don't forget to switch to the other leg and repeat exercise.

  1. Mountain climbers– Begin by placing your palms on the floor with arms, like a push up position. Bring one leg into your chest and then back into original position.  Repeat with the other leg.  This exercise seems as if you're climbing on a mountain. Ready for victory.Alternating your legs. Make sure that all your head and chin are up during the movements.

  1. Plank–  Get into the push up position also known as prone position Place your elbows and forearms on the floor underneath your chest. Form yourself into a table using your toes and forearms.To maintain a flat back do not let your hips fall  down or rise up.Focus on tightening up those abs.

  1. Plie Squat– Stand with your legs 2 feet apart,t but  keep your toes facing outward, like a ballerina.  Similar to a  regular squat, bend at the knees and lower your body keeping your back straight, torso  tight, and thighs are parallel to the floor.Your knees  should be pointing in opposite direct

  1. Burpees – Start by standing with both feet onto the floor. Place your hands above your head and bring it down towards the floor.In a squat position with hands on the floor in front of you.Kick the right  feet  back and kick the other back and bring both legs  back in.Bring your body back to the first position.

  1. Side planks– Start by lying on one of your sides, legs straight, feet and hips.straighten your bottom arm .Place your other hand on your hips. Flex your feet and balance on the sides of your feet. Keep your form,by having your  back straight,head and neck in line with your spine. Feel the pain, don't give up. You may rest if it gets hard. But be sure to repeat on the other side.

Try to do these  exercises  for at least 3 times a week.  Give yourself about a 20 seconds rest in between each exercise, keep yourself hydrated and stay fit.Sooner than later you'll be fitting in your skinny jeans .


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